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ヤミヤミ (YAMI YAMI)

Updated: Jan 13, 2019

四魔四魔じゃ 盲滅法 閻魔羅闍とて末法末世

有象無象 謗法なめし 比丘比丘尼とて煩悩具足

怨憎会苦 厭離穢土 怨憎会苦 厭離穢土 惑業苦

魔羅魔羅じゃ 羅城の門より縦様続く千の卒塔婆

往生往生 無下にくだくだ 段だら 紫紺 斑 帷子

怨憎会苦 厭離穢土 怨憎会苦 厭離穢土 逢魔時

橙の京城 荼毘荼毘で 何某も闇闇

宵の明星 荼毘荼毘で 何某も闇闇 蝋色 闇闇 蝋色

Yummy Yummy 蝋色みどろ

生は難く 右往左往 艮不穏 タナトフォビア

死は易し桑原桑原 トラウマ ポボス メランコリア

怨憎会苦 厭離穢土 怨憎会苦 厭離穢土 深泥池

橙の京城 荼毘荼毘で 何某も病み病み

宵の冥助 ダビダビデ 何某も病み病み 蝋色 病み病み 蝋色

Yummy Yummy 蝋色みどろ


賽の河原に忍ぶ曼荼羅 曼荼羅

怨み辛み ムクリコクリ 眼を醒ます鬼鬼


橙の京城 荼毘荼毘で 何某も闇闇

宵の明星 荼毘荼毘で 何某も闇闇 蝋色 闇闇 蝋色

Yummy Yummy 蝋色みどろ


Demon demon, blind recklessness, Yama brings the final days

The masses, soaked in heresy, bhikkuni brings worldly desire

Pain from meeting your enemies, pain of living in this impure world, pain from meeting your enemies, pain of living in this impure world, delusions of karmic suffering

Barrier barrier, one thousand stupas continue selfishly from the gate of a Roman castle

Death death, blunt and tedious, nervousness, bluish-purple bruise, burial clothes

Pain from meeting your enemies, pain of living in this impure world, pain from meeting your enemies, pain of living in this impure world, the witching hour

Orange palace, cremation cremation, countless times, darkness darkness

Evening star, cremation cremation, countless times, darkness darkness, blackness, darkness darkness, blackness

Yummy yummy, covered in blackness

Life is difficult, moving in confusion, threat from the northeast, thanatophobia

Death is easy, mulberry bush mulberry bush, trauma, Phobos, Melancholia

Pain from meeting your enemies, pain of living in this impure world, pain from meeting your enemies, pain of living in this impure world, deep mud lake

Orange palace, David David, countless times, suffering suffering

Unheard prayer in the evening, David David, countless times, suffering suffering, blackness, suffering suffering, blackness

Yummy yummy, covered in blackness

In children's limbo, a scarlet red spider lily

In children's limbo, an enduring mandala, mandala

Pent up resentment, here it comes, wake up, oni oni

Quietly, here it comes

Orange palace, cremation cremation, countless times, darkness darkness

Evening star, cremation cremation, countless times, darkness darkness, blackness, darkness darkness, blackness

Yummy yummy, covered in blackness


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